Expanding MedBrane: USMLE Questions, Clinical Content and Private Forums

Expanding MedBrane: USMLE Questions, Clinical Content and Private Forums

There’s a wealth of new features in the MedBrane app, and we’re excited to provide you with a quick update on these developments and demonstrate how you can leverage them.

Although MedBrane has been available for a few months, we’re continuously enriching it with new medical content and features, in line with our roadmap. Given the significant updates in MedBrane’s development, let’s take a moment to review them before announcing the upcoming features that will soon be introduced.

USMLE Question Style

Our content creators, an ER doctor and a 4th-year medical student, are beginning to refine new QBanks to better align with the USMLE question style. Currently, many questions are straightforward to quickly assess your medical knowledge. However, in response to the positive feedback received, we have invested additional time in crafting more comprehensive clinical questions.

Pathology is currently being optimized for the USMLE, including complete patient histories, lab findings, and other relevant information needed to answer the questions. Likewise, internal medicine will henceforth include more questions styled after the USMLE.

Internal Medicine

In the realm of internal medicine, we’ve finally begun incorporating QBanks into this subject. Internal medicine has been categorized into nine main topics:

  • Cardiology
  • Emergency Medicine and Critical Care
  • Gastroenterology
  • Metabolic Diseases and Endocrinology
  • Hematology
  • Nephrology
  • Pulmonology
  • Clinical Pharmacology
  • Rheumatology

Currently, we are on the verge of completing the Cardiology section, which is organized into the following six subtopics:

  • Anatomy, physiology and diagnostics
  • ECG interpretation and arrhythmias
  • Heart failure and congenital heart diseases
  • Diseases of the heart valves, carditis and cardiomyopathies
  • Cardiac emergencies, ischemic heart disease and atherosclerosis
  • Blood pressure disorders and diseases of peripheral blood vessels

Private Spaces for Medical Colleges

You might already be aware that MedBrane is dedicated to fostering a medical community through its forum, akin to what r/medicalschool offers on Reddit. It’s a space useful for anyone studying medicine, where they can seek help, advice, or resources in a manner that’s more organized and categorized than Reddit.

Since MedBrane is a global app rather than just a local one, some users have requested a more custom forum where they can discuss college-specific matters, like exams, curriculum, med school events, and more.

Inspired by this feedback, we’ve introduced this feature, confident in its potential to significantly aid students. It allows for effortless communication with seniors for assistance or discussions related to their college. Currently, no other medical education app offers this feature!

How to Create a Private Forum for Your College?

Simply complete the Private Forum Inquiry form, detailing your needs and the categories you wish to include in your private space, and we’ll get in touch before setting up the forum for your college.

Creating a private forum within MedBrane is entirely free, and there’s no requirement for official collaboration with your college. This custom feature is designed for your peers, offering a neatly organized alternative to unstructured WhatsApp groups for your classes.

Features Coming Soon

We have no intention of stopping with the features mentioned above. There are several exciting updates on the horizon. In addition to our roadmap, which you can view in the MedBrane app, we’re planning to introduce new features that we believe you’ll find both engaging and useful.

Forum Search

Wouldn’t a search function be handy? We think so too. When you’re looking for a specific study resource to learn more about it, all it will take is a few keystrokes in the search bar to find what you need in seconds.

Daily Tasks and Streaks

Our goal is for you to continuously refresh your knowledge and keep practicing, even after you’ve completed a subject. You’ll be able to select subjects you’ve passed or are currently studying, and we’ll present you with a few random questions daily. The aim is to maintain a streak for as long as possible and earn achievements for your efforts.

Forum Upvotes and Achievements

We’re also introducing upvotes and downvotes for forum comments, along with achievements for reaching certain upvote thresholds. The more helpful your comments are, the more upvotes you’ll receive, and the more advanced achievements you’ll earn. This feature is designed to encourage users to be more helpful to others, fostering a more supportive forum community.


There’s a lot happening with MedBrane’s development, from the addition of new content to the rollout of innovative app features. Stay tuned and enjoy your study sessions as you prepare for your next exam!

If you haven’t installed the MedBrane app on your device yet, you can download it for free for iOS here and for Android here.

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