
List of medical schools in the US

Discover an extensive catalog of medical schools, complete with key information and authentic student experiences

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Morehouse School of Medicine

Morehouse School of Medicine

Medical degree: MD


Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Medical degree: DO


Michigan State University College of Human Medicine

Michigan State University College of Human Medicine

Medical degree: MD


Mercer University School of Medicine

Mercer University School of Medicine

Medical degree: MD


Meharry Medical College

Meharry Medical College

Medical degree: MD


Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine

Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine

Medical degree: MD


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List of medical schools

What can you find here?

We have curated a detailed list of all medical schools across the United States.

Search for a medical school by name and discover its location, the type of medical degree offered (MD or DO), and whether it’s public or private.

Check out the statistics

Delve into the data with average GPA, average MCAT scores, total number of applicants, and class sizes for the medical schools that interest you.

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Quick Glance at the Top 5 Med Schools

MCAT and GPA scores

Here are the top 5 medical schools in the U.S., ranked by the average MCAT and GPA scores required. The percentages represent how these scores compare to the maximum possible combined scores for both the MCAT and GPA.

NYU Grossman School of Medicine
avg. MCAT 523 / avg. GPA - 3.97 92%
Yale School of Medicine
avg. MCAT 522 / avg. GPA - 3.92 89%
avg. MCAT 522 / avg. GPA - 3.90 85%
JHU School of Medicine
avg. MCAT 521 / avg. GPA - 3.95 88%
Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine
avg. MCAT 521 / avg. GPA - 3.94 87%
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